I've decided to post on this blog whenever a great thought strikes in my head or I just wish to discuss one concept. Today that is the progression of humans. It seems that humanity has progressed so far in the last 100 years. In my opinion, we have progressed more in these last 100 years than probably in any other period of change in or history. We created cars, airplanes, television, space shuttles, computers, cell phones, and the list goes on and on. What did we accomplish since our creation almost 200,000 years ago? Just seeing the leap in technology is unfathomable. Technology itself is so impossible to understand. I doubt any man could actually understand any part of a piece of technology that he or she owns. So, has humanity itself advanced, or the pinnacle of it. Think about it, there are tons of people in history who accomplished nothing towards the advancement of humanity. A prime example of this is government. Where did this idea come from? Where do people get the idea that they have the right to control others to "protect" others? This seems to be an ancient concept but it continues to confuse me. Why? That always seems to be the question. Why?
Well... I think I accomplished not including any content in this blog and so I will go. Hopefully, I will write more and better in the future. This blog was originally started to give me something to do when I am feeling bored and lonely with nothing else to do. So, the first line of this blog may not be true and I might be posting about anything of everything. What do you expect? I have a monkey mind.
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